make your own website for free


           friends  i hope you all are very good , todays post is all about that how to make your own website without any charges ,  is it possible ?

Yes you can have your own website yaya i know its hard to digest that  how without buying domain & hosting can anybody have website .

learn- earn money online without any investment

make your own website for free


Web hosting  a plateform where we host our website  or in simple word a plateform  through which your site is visible to public
There are various plateform where you can  host your website some of are
Wordpress ,bluehost etc ( but wordpress &bluehost charge some dollar to you every year )

As we are here talking about  how to make website for free  so we will use a plateform which will open for public for free

GOOGLE BLOGGER ( as we all know GOOGLE IS THE MOST TRUSTED CO.)  & they also provide webhosting for free  so we will use google blogger fo our website .

make your own website for free  in 2018


Domain is any thing which we put at the end of our web address as you have visited to my site so it means that you are redirected to indopakfacts(.blogspot).com
So in this you have visited a site which is using .blogspot subdomain &.com domain (.blogspot is free google provide us this domain for free)

Guyz in this post we are talking about free domains like (.blogspot , .tk)

If you want (.com ,.in ,.org ,.net ) then you have to invest a litbit about ranges between (5$ to 10$)

As this post is all about free then please   forgot about .com ,.in for few minute later on i will cover them also

"So what we will do we  will build our site using google blogger & intially we will use our subdomain .blogspot or any other free domain like (.tk )"

So 2 points which we have discussed yet are

●web hosting

Now the most important point  after that  are .

●weB designing
●submission to google webmaster tool
●some codes to make site SEO  FRIENDLY .

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Now the question is what is web designing and why it is important 

This part is most important because anybody can make a website by using google blogger with any free domain but at the end appearance matters a lot if your website looks professional then search engine prefers it a lot because everyone is making site for earning money through it and the main factor that is considered for earning money is traffic at your website .

So if you want more traffic & for professional look & for approval of google adsense  designing matters a lot .

How to design your website ?

If you want to make your website to look professional & search engine friendly  then my  suggestion to you dont do by your mind because  we all have tendency we all are started thinking that i can do it and as a result   you endup at non SEO friendly design 

So i suggest you  that if you want to make your website , neat and clean , simple , fast loading professional , adsense friendly , seo friendly  

Problem solve i will design your website  ,advertiser friendly ,search engine friendly i will make it professional for you & will add plugins as you want 

just drop me message on instagram  here 

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make your own website for free  in 2018and learn SEO

One of the most important factor is site SEO 
(Search Engine Optimization) 

Why SEO is most important part ?

Answer of this question directly depends on why you are creating this website ?

Ans  is for gaining popularity & for earning money  in digital word the amount of money is directly proportional to the amount of traffic you get that  

○ Traffic ↑ earning ↑

○ Traffic↓ earning ↓

Now lets take first question ie

Why SEO is most important part ?

In simple word seo is father of all traffic increasing technique  & the most organic one  direct through search engine.

Suppose you are writting any article that how to make free website in 2018  after applying all the SEO factor in your site and post too then your article will rank first for that particular keyword  ( website free 2018 ) 

Now  the question is 

How to do SEO for your site  ?

Dude , dont worry i will do basic SEO of your site and through calls & mails i will give you   long term advices for SEO

Note : basic SEO is very important it will make your site  search engine friendly for basic SEO
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Basic seo  include submission of your site to google webmaster tool 

Adding some HTML & CSS cheat codes 

Adding robot.txt files 

Adding meta tags

Submission of sitemaps 

Image alt text 

Privacy policy genration 

Merging of google analytics 

I will do all the  above things for you  for free you can contact me anytime

just drop me message on instagram  here 

Instagram handle -    Click me to message (any time message me here)


contact me through this contacts form

Contact form - click here 


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make your own website for free  in 2018

 i am giving 5 SEO friendly website & 1  SEO friendly (.com ,Monetized) site to lucky winners . You can win website by just sharing  this post to most number of people  the one who has shared it most will get sites respectively that is if you have shared this post 25 tym and someone shared it for 20 times then   the person  with maximum shares will get a site 


■ dont make fake sharing pics 

■ Dont  share one person 25 times rather share 25 persons 

Send your name here with  each individual sharing screen shots

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contact me through this contacts form

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So this is is easiest & free way of making your own website for free in 2018 if you like are post then share it through various  social media plateforms  & comment down below
