what robot sofia. robot sofia in india
robotic meme

HELLO , friends do you know about robotics ?  Do you have Idea who is sophia ?  I know many of you have now question that  what the hell this guy  is talking about whats the connection between sophia and robotics  so here is the answer have you ever imagined a life where all the daiily routine works are done by machine  with your verbal command with that particular machine  yeah so you can do this even as you are hiering worker for your office soon you will hire robots .there is a robot named sophia is much more advance  i think this this is very big achievment in the field of artificial intelligence sophia can tallk with us not even  talking ability even she can answer any question very smartly .even she has citizenship of a country

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who is sophia                                                          

Man made robot sophia says that her favourite actor is sharuk khan . Robot sophia is made by hansen robotics  in hongkong . This is first robot in world who has citizenship of any country . Sophia is also active on twitter as well as on facebook.

In World congress  on information technology ( WCIT) sophia says that machines are not dangerous for  human being , humans should not affraid of us . Though at once sophia also passed a negative comment but at that time she was very immature by age she is not that advance  but after then she pretends that  this is her way of kidding .

Sophia wants to work for women empowerment and she says that machines also need rest  some times as human's Do when someone asked her that  does she need properties for herself  then sophia smartly answerd and says  that she don't think so she says that she will use her power of  being a citizen of country for women empowerment . Sophia says that she wish that she will live with his robotics family in hongkong for forever if officialy she has to go in any continent then she will prefer that  her creator hansen to be there with her

Hansen say's that in this human made robot we are using   intelligence software along with hardwares and they says that after 10-20 year robots will also start behaving like human being .though scientist belive that they can achieve this goal in next five year .

So this is sophia's second india's tour


so we can conclude that  the day is not far when artificial intelligence become most powerfull in our planet  and one day even whole body checkup and operations will be done by robotics . robotic is very gud for over all development but the question arises here  what if robotics started feeling complexion from human being if in future they started  destroying us so we can say that they can be dangerous to us too..

if you have any question/idea/suggestion then write us